Introducing the Growth practice in a company is a big ship that we can steer 1 degree at a time

I recently watched an interview with Barack Obama in which he was talking about the "ship of state" and the impact of leaders as himself on its course. He described how the "captain" behind the wheel could steer with all his might and only turn such a big ship 1 degree. He shared that in… Continue reading Introducing the Growth practice in a company is a big ship that we can steer 1 degree at a time

What can you do today to be the company you want tomorrow.

Research suggests that some of us think of our future selves as strangers. This disconnection creates an "empathy Gap"  with that "future stranger" that could influence our present decisions and our progress toward our personal goals. This means that "present Pablo" wants to be fit someday, but today, he eats that KFC bucket and skips gym in part because of how… Continue reading What can you do today to be the company you want tomorrow.

Growth thinking and experimentation in education: 3 key factors to get started

(A version of this article will also be published in Open LMS blog) Growth thinking is a term primarily used in the context of startups and software companies in business environments. It is an approach to strategies to maximize Growth, typically measured in the number of users, and do it by spending as little budget… Continue reading Growth thinking and experimentation in education: 3 key factors to get started

A product guy leading a reseller program: 3 things I learned + books to check out

In March of 2020, I began my shift from being Director of Product Management for Open LMS to focus instead on kicking off a new reseller program. Quite a challenge not only because this was new to me, but because we were doing this as a company independent of Blackboard, our former owner, and during… Continue reading A product guy leading a reseller program: 3 things I learned + books to check out

3 lessons from working on a 72,000-user country-wide online quiz

We recently participated in an unprecedented project in Colombia’s education history: ICFES, Colombian Institute for the Evaluation of Education, took on the challenge of applying an electronic state test from home for the first time. We were humbled to participate in this initiative with our partner Cognosonline and our friends from Sumadi (proctoring solution) on bringing the Open LMS platform… Continue reading 3 lessons from working on a 72,000-user country-wide online quiz

People, not robots: Thinking of how we speak and write

As I think of how organizations communicate with customers, and how we as customers want to be treated, I believe there's something very clear: We want genuine human connections. Organizations that understand this reality become intentional in humanizing their brands through their communication, shifting from wordsmithing tightness and legally-appropriate copy to a style that could… Continue reading People, not robots: Thinking of how we speak and write

6 + 1 libros a considerar para equipos de venta consultiva

Las ventas, como otras actividades profesionales, se ven recompensadas por la disciplina y dedicación con la que se aborde su práctica. Si bien se pueden tener muy buenos resultados confiando en el talento y capacidad para desarrollar las relaciones con el cliente, en un entorno cada vez más competitivo la preparación puede ser un diferenciador… Continue reading 6 + 1 libros a considerar para equipos de venta consultiva

3 hábitos para el trabajo que no se adquieren en la universidad

El paso por la universidad deja muchas cosas buenas, pero no se puede esperar que el éxito profesional venga solamente de lo que se aprendió durante la época de estudios. Trabajar, ya sea en un emprendimiento propio o como empleado requiere de buenos hábitos de acción que si bien pueden ser cultivados desde las instituciones de educación,… Continue reading 3 hábitos para el trabajo que no se adquieren en la universidad